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I spent my childhood in and around the water. Growing up, my love for being on the water only increased. I spent my summers waterskiing lakes in Washington state and sailing the San Francisco Bay. About ten years ago I discovered kayaking and it changed my life. I found paddling to be both physically and spiritually fulfilling and quickly became addicted. I spent every moment possible exploring my backyard, the California Delta. I also immersed myself in learning proper skills and techniques and was blessed to have amazing instructors. I paddled and continued to explore and finally decided to start my own business, Delta Kayak Adventures. I spent nearly six years working as a lead kayak and canoe guide for East Bay Regional Park District where we led groups of all ages on trips throughout the San Francisco Bay area. As an ACA certified instructor, I am blessed to share my passion for paddling with others.
Find your adventure; Go kayaking!
Kathy Bunton

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